Euronext Securities cap table extension

Set up a link between your Euronext Securities account and OwnersRoom, and automatically feed your ownership data to your OwnersRoom cap table.

What our customers say

Siglar Carbon logo

Setting up the connection between our Euronext Securities account and OwnersRoom has been great! Now we can handle everything in the same place, making it much easier for both our investors and ourselves.

Sigmund Kyvik

Sigmund Kyvik //

Co-founder & CEO, Siglar

How it works

When you are registered with Euronext Securities, they handle every part of your cap table for you. However, you would still love to use OwnersRoom to handle all of your other investor processes, such as sending investor updates, handling due dilligences, and digitize your fundraisings.

Now you can get the best of both worlds, with our new extension for feeding shareholder data directly from Euronext Securities to OwnersRoom! 

By activating the API, you will get:

• A daily data feed from Euronext Securities to your cap table in OwnersRoom

• An email that summarizes relevant changes when they happen

• A full change log of historic changes in the cap table

Check out our guide on how to activate it here.

* Only available in Norway for now.


Here are some of the benefits our customers have highlighted:

Set up your OwnersRoom and connect your Euronext Securities data now!

Set up a trial or get in touch to see how we can help you.