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Profesjonelt investorarbeid for kr 1200,-/mnd

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Profesjonelt investorarbeid for kr 1000,-/mnd

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Balancing growth and profitability in tech startups

By Ståle Løvbukten

Why balance growth and cash flow? 

  • Slightly lower growth (could still be significant) could be more healthy and better for the long-term viability.
  • Conserving cash reduces the risk of needing to raise capital at unfavourable terms.
  • Getting used to running a business with net cash burn over many years could make it more difficult to switch to significant profitability later.
  • Positive cash flow allow for owners to get “a small exit every day” rather than gearing up for a big exit.
  • This imply that the owners do not need an exit within a certain timeframe (like VCs would require), and the company with its investors can choose a longer journey if they want.
balancing growth and profitability in tech startups