Why you should send regular investor updates​

Why you should send regular investor updates If you’re reading this, chances are you have recently closed a funding round or you’re looking to raise capital sometime during the coming months. In either case, you should start sending investor updates on a regular basis. Here’s why. 1. Raising follow-on capital becomes easier If you just […]

Bli kjent med menneskene bak OwnersRoom. Møt vår CTO Jason Barron!

Møt Jason! Jason er CTO her i OwnersRoom. Han har jobbet hos oss siden Mars 2018 og har bygget opp et utvikingsteam bestående av 3 fantastiske ingeniører. Les videre for å bli bedre kjent med Jason og hans rolle i teamet. Å bruke teknologi du liker til å løse et problem du har en genuin […]

Updates to the free edition of OwnersRoom

Dame som peker på produktplansjer

Today we are launching three new features to the free edition of OwnersRoom. This means you can get the full OwnersRoom experience entirely for free.  Together with the existing features for handling investor updates and document sharing from one and the same place, free users may now also access our modules for cap table management, […]