More than NOK 1bn raised with Deals
A major milestone has just been achieved! On December 5th, 2023, the amount raised by startups and companies using the Deals feature for digital funding surpassed NOK 1bn, marking a significant achievement for both the product and for our customers. A massive congratulations to you all! In this post, we will explore deeper how this […]
Funding Flywheel
Introducing the funding flywheel After working with more than 200 startups and growth companies we have learned that funding is a messy process where you have a lot of different tasks and responsibilities. It is difficult to know when to focus on which aspects of fundraising so you often end up focusing on everything, which […]
Katapult X OwnersRoom partnership
December 2021 we entered into a partnership with the Katapult with the primary goal to help impact startups succeed with their investors and fundraising. To do this we have created content for the accelerator program in the form of educational videos including, how-to videos for using OwnersRoom. On top of this the companies get access to […]
New team members!
Please welcome our latest team members! 🚀 OwnersRoom continues to grow, and we are extremely pleased to announce three new members to our team: Alexander, Frida, and Peary. All three students are currently engaged in their Master studies, and have just started working with our team. While Frida will be working closely with our existing […]
Bli kjent med menneskene bak OwnersRoom. Møt vår CTO Jason Barron!
Møt Jason! Jason er CTO her i OwnersRoom. Han har jobbet hos oss siden Mars 2018 og har bygget opp et utvikingsteam bestående av 3 fantastiske ingeniører. Les videre for å bli bedre kjent med Jason og hans rolle i teamet. Å bruke teknologi du liker til å løse et problem du har en genuin […]
Bli kjent med oss i OwnersRoom. Først ut er Even Hovda!
Even er vår Head of Customer Success. Han var den første ansatte hos oss og har siden 2017 hjulpet OwnersRoom-kunder med å lykkes i sitt investorarbeid.